Blue Collar StartUp - Episode 37: Grasshopper Heating & Cooling: Handling Explosive Growth in a Short Time

1 year ago

In this episode, our host Mike Nelson and visionary founder Derek Foster interview three Blue Collar superstars - Amanda Triolo, Brian Correll, and Luke Scarcelli of Grasshopper Heating & Cooling! Grasshopper has been all the buzz - or rather, chirp - on the scene lately as their marvelous marketing, terrific teamwork and stellar service take the community by storm! What's the secret to their raid growth and success? We have some of the answers for you here in this episode!

Welcome to Blue Collar StartUp, the podcast!
Our Mission is Simple: To facilitate the growth and development of Blue Collar businesses. We will showcase REAL Blue Collar businesses in interviews, and use these stories to help educate and empower the next generation of trades workers to become Blue Collar business owners!

01:00 - Shoutout to Michaels Group: And Our Mission
02:29 - Introductions: The Grasshopper Team
06:58 - A Grasshopper Hops Forward
12:57 - A Sudden Swarm of Happy Hoppers
13:57 - Glory Be to Gary Grasshopper
14:49 - Business Ain’t for Babies!
17:18 - Carving Through COVID
19:23 - Everything Has a Solution!
20:24 - Keep Calm and Carry On
22:33 - Cultivating Culture and Valuing Values
29:47 - Inform and Educate: Do No Disservice
31:39 - Why Does It Matter? Sharing a Vision
34:22 - The Vision Board: Pipe the Perspective
35:57 - Employee-Focus Isn’t Just for Higher-Ups!
37:30 - Started from the Bottom… Now We’re Here
38:55 - Maintaining Morale
43:02 - Game Time
47:20 - Shoutout to Dean Leber:
47:55 - Throttled Marketing
51:25 - Keep Those Customers!
54:45 - GrassLARPer
56:06 - How to Get in Touch:
56:41 - Closing Remarks

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