Learning How To Be a Top Scentsy Leader, As An Ex-Hunbot for Scentsy!!

1 year ago


Today, let's go back to my roots for a moment. Several years ago, I was a Scentsy hunbot. I left the company and not long after, I created my YouTube account to start speaking out about MLMs, cults and scams in late 2019.

It's been a while since Scentsy has appeared on my timeline so when this video popped up, I was intrigued to see what they were doing NOW in 2022. So today, we are going to learn how to be a top leader at Scentsy from a hunbot that just does NOT like people messing around!!

Get out your Scentsy buddies, warmers and wax...don't eat the wax, though! I know they claim it's safe but I don't trust it...grab a snack instead! Then come hang out and let's discuss the Mormon MLM that doesn't want you to know you're supporting Mormons when you buy their warmers and wax...

Keep pushing I was wrong, Blair/iilluminaughty but you know darn well this company is Mormon run and operated and supported. That makes it an extra large cult, especially being the most socially acceptable network marketing company in the whole world...

See you at the Scentsy party!!

Thanks for your support!! Do not send hate to the Karens I discuss or I will hunt you down and do worse to you! :) Capiche? Awesome! Now let's just have some fun laughing and discussing the true dangers of this cult and this type of thinking...

Throw spade like me...
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