Exodus 9:18-10:20, Sept 10, 2023, How Long will You Refuse to Humble Yourself

1 year ago

Exodus 9:18-10:20, How Long will You Refuse to Humble Yourself?
Sept 10, 2023, S-1557-KL
Pharaoh continues to fight against God through two more plagues of increasing severity, hail and locusts. Though he demonstrates remorse and pleads for mercy, Pharoah still refuses to humble himself and repent before the Almighty God of the universe. As the Scriptures reveal, God raised up this hard-hearted man to the powerful position of Pharoah over the mighty Egyptian kingdom in order that He might show, even to us thousands of years later, His power “and that My name may be declared in all the earth” (Exodus 9:16).
Pastor Kevin answers several of the critics’ objections to the biblical record in this passage and shows from Scripture how some of the plagues foreshadow judgments still to come upon this earth. As with the Egyptians, God’ patiently warns us beforehand that some might heed His warnings and turn to Him in repentance and faith. As Pastor Kevin explains, the waiting period before the final judgments of the Tribulation Period is coming to an end and exhorts us to be like those few of Pharaoh’s Day “who feared the word of the Lord” and lived (Exodus 9:20).
Associated notes and links are at calvarypo.org under Sermon Archives, Exodus, https://calvarypo.org/sermons/how-long-will-you-refuse-to-humble-yourself-exodus-918-1020/

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