A warning against evil, time to repent and reform, love conquers all, biblical truth

1 year ago

The prophet Ezekiel is worn in chapter 33, and he must do what God tells him, and warn the evil doers to repent. Fortunately for us, Ezekiel does this and it’s recorded in the Bible. We’re nation is become like the people at Mirabah and Massah I and many of us attend the church at Laodicea. We have forgotten that we are to love and that we are to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. People don’t pray together anymore and our world seems to be going to crap. It’s time for America to repent. How did the land of the free and the home of the brave Become so perverse and put pedophiles in charge of government? It’s time we wake up and become men and women of the one true God of all Creation. I need to take better care of our souls, our minds, and our bodies. We need to pray more, refrain from all filth and take good care of our bodies with exercise and good nutrition, no more junk food.
I’m a prostate cancer survivor. I’m in remission. I was treated for stage 2 cancer with the cyber-knife at Georgetown University Hospital. After the treatment I became quite weak and could not workout for 6 months. Then I began lifting 240 lbs for my bench press with my Welder 1500X (identical to Bo-Flex). For the next year and a half lifting 3 times a week I plateaued at one set with 270 lbs. I started taking the root brands trinity pack and give me back my youth in mid February 2023. Since then I have grown substantially stronger and now do three sets of 10-12 reps of the bench press with 320 libs.
To learn more about these amazing products please go to https://therootbrands.com/GodWins

To help the victims of Maui stay away from the Red Cross as COL Chuck Sellers tells us and go to
https://malamalahaina.org to get money to the victims and not the deep state
Please go to the link below and watch the wisdom of Brad Nosby enjoying him on the billion March to save the children


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