A Win for Workers: New Ruling Empowers Unions In Fight for Representation | Harold Meyerson | TMR

1 year ago

Harold Meyerson, editor-at-large at The American Prospect, discusses the recent decisions made at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).


The American Prospect

Harold Meyerson joins, contextualizing the NLRB’s recent Cemex ruling as one of the most empowering labor developments in a half-century of dwindling organizing, and why Jennifer Abruzzo’s Board has chosen now as their moment to be active. Next, he and Sam parse through the actual details of the Cemex decision, why it’s a great first step back towards the Joy-Silk doctrine of the NLRB, and how it aids in both forcing bargaining and punishing union busting. Wrapping up, Meyerson expands on the necessity of labor unions to capitalize on this moment, as they finally have both leverage and public opinion on their side, as well as touching on the role the Supreme Court and Senate have yet to play.

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Image Credit, Joe Piette
Image has been cropped and color has been altered.

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