CNBC: On Nikola Tesla's Wireless In-Road Charging To Moving Vehicles Part 2 (

1 year ago

September 11th 2023 Wireless EV charging roads piloted in the U.S., Europe -- Nikola Tesla's Wireless EV Charging To 55MPH Moving Vehicles Coming to U.S. up to 1.5MW @ 98% Efficiency -- September 12th 2022 Instantaneous, Non-Radiative, Wireless Induction using Standing, Electro-Static Waves provides "EV Charging At Highway Speeds Coming To U.S."

December 17th 2022 U.S DOE's ORNL’s “Oak Ridge Converter,” wireless charges at 1.5 MW sq/m. Charge a Tesla to 80% in 5 min. Runs a Nikola Tesla "Million Hour" A/C induction motor, w/out a battery, in a car moving at 55MPH.

May 23rd 2023 EV Endurance Record of 100 hours straight with a wireless powered roadway and a 600 miles per charge Rav4
May 12th 2023 Sweden is building the world’s first permanent electric road that charges moving EVs

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