"Walk With The King" Program, From the "Believe" Series, titled "Joy To Lean On"

1 year ago

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"Walk With The King" Program, Practical & Encouraging Messages From The Ministry of Dr. Robert A. Cook.
From the "Believe" Series, titled: "Joy To Lean On?" (Broadcast #6943)
Scripture References: John 16:31, Colossians 127

Learn about Dr. Cook's ministry at https://www.walkwiththeking.org/


Alright, thank you very much. And hello again, radio friends. How in the world are you? Yes, that greeting establishes the fact that this is your good friend, Bob Cook, and I’m back with you, once again, for some precious moments around the Word of God. You know, John the Apostle says, “Our fellowship, yours and mine, is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.” And of course, the blessed indwelling Holy Spirit implements all of that, as you and I get together around the Word of God, and that is what makes it so precious. It’s not just you and I together. It is you, and I, and God.

That’s what I treasure about these moments. We are together, you and I, across the miles, and the presence of the Lord is real. It’s wonderful, isn’t it? Hallelujah for that. Well, if I seem to be singing bass this morning, it’s because I am. I do these broadcasts early in the morning, just to sorta get a morning feel of the day, because I know so many of you listen early in the morning. And some days, it’s hard to get up, and some days, like me, your voice is in the basement. [chuckle] And so it’s terrible to have somebody so terribly cheerful, and maybe singing at the top of his voice, or if you’re listening to the radio, telling, “Come on, cheer up, get going.” Oh, boy, [chuckle] I tell those folks, “I could give them up for Lent.”

No, I’m like you, a human being with the same kinds of moods and feelings. And so that’s the reason, as I say, I prepare these broadcasts, although they are on tape, I prepare them in the early morning hours, for the most part, just because I know that then, I may be feeling like you do. Oh, well, look with me at John Chapter 16. Our Lord Jesus has been talking with the disciples. He’s been explaining to them the fact that he’s going away, but that the Holy Spirit of God is coming to reveal all of the power and presence of Christ through the believer. And He said, “I’ll see you again. Sorrow has filled your hearts, because I’ve said these things to you, but I’ll see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and your joy will endure.” We talked about that the last time we got together. When you’re in the presence of Jesus, your heart rejoices. Circumstances may be terrible. Circumstances may be just terrible and you say, “How can anybody be joyful when all of that is happening?”

No, it’s His presence that makes the difference. I think often of the old British chorus. I haven’t heard anybody sing it for many, many years, gone out of vogue. But the words stick in my mind, “I’m happy when everything happens to please, but happiness comes and goes. While the heart that has stayed on Jesus the Savior, always with joy overflows. Happiness happens, but joy abides in the heart that is stayed on Jesus.” It’s good, isn’t it? And so he says, “Your heart will rejoice when you’re aware of my presence.” And he says, “Your joy will endure. No man can take it from you.” You see, your feelings about life, depend not on the circumstances, or on the way people treat you at the office, or on the conditions you have at home, all of which may vary, and some of which may be hard indeed. Life is cruel oftentimes, but the joy that you have in Christ doesn’t depend on things or people, it depends on Him. And He hath said, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”


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Isaiah 55:11:
“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”

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