Understanding Elijah Muhammad through the study of Scripture and the Oneness of Allah (God)

1 year ago

Building a Bridge with The Islamic World w/ Stu. Min. Carlos Muhammad aka Abdul Salaam Muhammad
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CarlosMuhammad1
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/noiarchives/
Student Minister Donell Muhammad, Columbus, Ohio representative of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam
This program was produced by Knowledge for LIFE (#Know4LIFE)

[Editor’s Note: The following text is excerpted from a message delivered July 13, 1997 by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan at Mosque Maryam, in Chicago, Ill.]

As I said last Sunday, the condition of the three communities: the Christians, the Muslims and the Jews, bear witness against our scholarship and our leadership, something has happened. We need to know what happened. Have you noticed that when the prophets of God are among the people, their community is one? The moment the prophet leaves, the community becomes fragmented, divided. When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was here, there was no Sunni, Shiite, Sufi, Hanbali, Hanafi, all these different schools of thought and sects. It was only one. What is the Prophet (PBUH)? I am a Muslim. That’s what the Prophet (PBUH) was. What was Abraham? He was a Muslim. What are you? See we say I’m Baptist. Well, what was Jesus? Was he Baptist? Come on. Was he a Methodist? Was he Episcopalian? Was he a member of the Church of God in Christ?

Tell me, what was Jesus? Then whatever Jesus was you should be if you follow him. Prophet Muhammad would be displeased to see the division in his house. Jesus would be totally upset to see the division in his house and the prophets that came to the children of Israel would all be totally upset to see the division in the house. How did these divisions come? What precipitated these divisions that within the House of Islam we are fighting each other? Within the House of Christianity, we are fighting each other. Within the House of Judaism, we are fighting each other. Yet, we claim one father, Abraham.

Now, the father is all right. Ishmael and Isaac had different upbringing, different circumstances, I should say. A similar upbringing but different circumstances but they didn’t fight each other so God’s covenant was with both Isaac and Ishmael. But now the people who say they are Muslims say well, we are from Ishmael. The people that are Jews, they say they’re from Isaac. So what difference does it make? If you’re from Ishmael or Isaac, if you are not like Abraham, you are not of Ishmael or Isaac. Let’s talk about it. So Jews and Muslims are killing each other and hate each other and Christians and Muslims and Jews hate each other, have slaughtered each other and yet claim one father and one God.

Something is wrong, isn’t it? Allah (God) says in the Qur’an, listen to these words, “And they did not become divided until after revelation came to them splitting up their religion into sects and parties, each one rejoicing in their part—not the whole but their part. We are wrong to make distinctions among God’s servants. Even though Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the seal of the prophets, we are not to say that Muhammad is better than Jesus or better than Moses. His revelation was higher but to lift one up to put some others down is not what Allah wants because all those prophet represents one God and one community and one basic principle—set up no partner with Allah (God) and bow down and obey God’s will. https://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/Minister_Louis_Farrakhan_9/The_Oneness_of_God_through_Abraham_Moses_Jesus_and_3212.shtml

#Allah #Islam #God #Farrakhan #Bible #HolyQuran

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