not many on drugs understand the drugs they're on

1 year ago

that's nick weir lookin like jerry garcia's long lost son (and it's kinda ironic considering that people often ask him if he is related to bob weir, who formed the grateful dead)...and yes this is the dude that i'm talking about haha
this is cool to me, probably not anyone else
you know me...flip phone savvy
CLASSIC parking lot drug deal
these things are now blatantly obvious to me
graduate alma mater pothead, is that sad
should i not be proud of these things
i've spent a lotta time in recovery circles and the restaurant industry has always welcomed excessive drug use
another dude rolling a joint right in front of me
weed is pretty much legal AND we're in a red state
hiding behind a bush, hoping no one smells it...the good ole days
former cannabis advocate and now weed is all we smell everywhere we go
shit will backfire when you dunno what the fuck you're doing, common fucking sense
whack zine. quack zine.
is yours truly actually a eugenicist
margaret sanger referred to blacks as human weeds that needed to be exterminated from society
she coulda just been totally honest, man
what's funny is that the people who claim to hate racism always make excuses for planned parenthood (all to appease liberal women)
women's rights = women's self-destruction
ag's trashville standards
what if eugenics was actually about creating a new breed of people
it could be all of it since huxley didn't specify
they're not of God cos they're dead inside

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