I AM HE, I AM THE LAMB 🐑 I AM. But has thou left me. Part 22

1 year ago

I AM HE, I AM THE LAMB 🐑 I AM. But has thou left me. Part 22

Study to show yourself
Approved a good workman for the Lord.

Stay till the end. You must understand these messages go out to everyone around the world 🌍 not just gentiles.

W.W.J.D. (what would Jesus do, you don't really know. W.W.J.D.)? But you don't know God/Jesus. You don't know the God of the Bible 📜📖. You don't study ALL his word 📜📖. You only want the 1st and 2nd commandments. Yet you don't even keep those.
You study only to be right or win a fight. You don't study to know Jesus the God of the Bible. You don't want to know the wrathful, unmerciful side of the Lord. You only want the loving, merciful God/Jesus that you have made God to be.
God is long-suffering toward us ward. That's true but he also made us promises to reward evil and to punish sinners.
Well come along with me & let me help you know the real Jesus and his truth. This is important and must go out into all the land.

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