Evolution of Shermie Super Moves Attacks

1 year ago

Shermie, a character from "The King of Fighters" series, has a variety of attacks and special moves that showcase her wrestling and Orochi martial arts style. Here are some of her notable attacks:

Normal Attacks:

Standing Light Punch: A quick jab with her fist.
Standing Medium Punch: A stronger punch with more range.
Standing Heavy Punch: A powerful, slower punch.
Standing Light Kick: A quick, low kick.
Standing Medium Kick: A stronger kick with more range.
Standing Heavy Kick: A slower but powerful kick.
Special Attacks:

Orochi Throw: Shermie's signature move, where she grabs her opponent and performs a powerful suplex or slam, inflicting significant damage.
Orochi Nagi: An upgraded version of her Orochi Throw, with even more devastating impact.
Sunset Wheel: Shermie lunges forward and grabs her opponent, then spins and slams them onto the ground.
Splash Rose: Shermie leaps into the air and attempts to land on her opponent with a body splash. This move can be performed in the air as well.
Falling Rain: An aerial attack where Shermie dives at her opponent from above, similar to a diving crossbody attack.
Dreams Kinesis: Shermie charges her hands with Orochi energy and can perform various enhanced punches and grabs during this state, making her attacks more powerful.
Desperation Moves:

Orochi Shermie: Shermie enters a powered-up state, surrounded by Orochi energy, enhancing her strength and speed. In this state, all her normal and special attacks become more potent.
Super Special Moves:

Twister: A super version of her Orochi Throw, inflicting massive damage and launching the opponent into the air.
Crimson Star Road: Shermie charges her body with Orochi energy and performs a powerful, multi-hit wrestling move on her opponent.
Leader Super Special Move:

Orochi Storm: This move is typically part of the team's Leader Super Special Move and involves Shermie and her teammates (Yashiro and Chris) combining their Orochi powers to unleash a devastating attack on the opponent.
Shermie's fighting style is characterized by her wrestling moves and Orochi-enhanced attacks, making her a formidable and visually striking character in "The King of Fighters" series. Keep in mind that her move set may vary slightly between different entries in the series, so specific details could differ depending on the game.

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