Blog & Mablog - Isker, Dreher, and Me | Doug Wilson

1 year ago

Blog & Mablog
Sept 11, 2023
Isker, Dreher, and Me | Doug Wilson
Here’s the plan, guys. I am going to begin with a brief review of Andrew Isker’s book, The Boniface Option. After that, I am going to interact a bit more with Rod Dreher’s review of it, along with some observations about Dreher’s odd and erratic behavior since his review was published. And then I am going to reveal a little bit of the thinking behind the public invitation that both I and Jared Longshore extended to Dreher, an offer that invited him to come to Moscow and see some things for himself. In short, we will begin with the public stuff, and then move gradually into some “inside baseball” stuff. And you, because you are premium members, get to read all of it. Just kidding. There are no premium members. But at least you get to act like premium members.

Pastor Doug Wilson's Blog & Mablog video is presented by Canon Press.

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