Why The Saudis Backed the 9/11 Attacks !!, 4173

1 year ago

Today is the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the United States by a group of Saudi nationals. Questions remaining are what was the involvement of elements of our own intelligence communities – if any?

However, this evening Brett Eggleston, President of 911 Justice answered one burning question for me – why did the Saudis sponsor the attacks?


So it wasn’t the entire Saudi power structure. There was a clear subdivision between the merchantile class of government, and the radical muslims, the ones whom, according to the head of Egyptian intelligence, Obama was the head of – at least of the American version of the Muslim Brotherhood.

That’s probably the only way that the merchantile Saudis could keep the nation from tumbling into its own civil war. This calmer, merchantile group were the ones that George Bush hustled onto emergency flights out of the U.S. within hours of the 9/11 attacks for fear of an immediate outcry for retribution.

But a revengeful response didn’t happen because Americans were just too stunned, shocked, then saddened by the tragedy of that day. Besides, we thought the Saudis were our friends. This merchantile group were the ones who had always been strategic allies of the U.S. by keeping oil prices relatively low; by keeping the Muslim radicals in check to the greatest extent possible, and thereby keeping them from destroying Israel. The merchantilists knew no one would benefit from jihad.

So, it’s like in today’s world; is all of America involved in this communist invasion and coup d’état of America? No! The vast majority knows this is the work of a small group of leftists and deep state idealogues and autocrats, dragging a rapidly wilting democrat party along for a very destructive – and hopefully short-lived ride.

I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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