Cardinal and Theological Virtues and the Law #EDU #Vatican #Art

1 year ago

Cardinal and Theological Virtues and the Law #EDU #Vatican #Art


A Renaissance artwork in view of the south wall inside the Vatican’s Raphael Rooms.
This work has been dated from A.D. 1510 through 1511. The Fresco Paintings’ Location are within the Stanza della Segnatura, Palazzi Pontifici, at the Vatican.
The Vatican fresco paintings were operated by Maestro Raphael Sanzio (who was born in A.D. 1483 at Urbino and died in A.D. 1520 at Rome). Raphael worked with his collaborators under commission of His Holiness Pope Julius the Second from A.D. 1510 through 1511.
One can view the workmanship on the wall opposite the Parnassus, corresponding to Justice, is an illustration of the Cardinal Virtues (Fortitude, Prudence and Temperance) and the Theological Virtues (Faith, Hope and Charity) in the lunette above, and below, at the sides of the window, the Delivery of the Pandects to the Roman Emperor Justinian (on the left) and the Delivery of the Decretals to Pope Gregory the Ninth (on the right). The Roman Pontiff is a portrait of the Pope who had commissioned the work, Julius the Second (Roman Pontiff from A.D. 1503 to 1513), while the cardinals beside him are Giovanni de' Medici and Alessandro Farnese, the future Popes Leo the Tenth (Roman Pontiff from A.D. 1513 to 1521) and Paul the Third (Roman Pontiff from A.D. 1534 to 1549). The painting of the Delivery of the Pandects to the Emperor Justinian the Great is by Lorenzo Lotto.
On the south wall of the Stanza della Segnatura the following scenes are depicted: Emperor Justinian Receives the Corpus Iuris Civilis (at the left); Pope Gregory the Ninth Approving the Decretals (at the right); Fortitudo, Prudentia, Temperantia (above with the lunette).
On the wall to the left of the window there is a dedication scene with Emperor Justinian shown surrounded by many jurist as he receives from Tribonian the Pandects (digests) of the Corpus Iuris Civilis (Body of Civil Laws). Raphael had sketched this fresco, but its execution was entrusted to Lorenzo Lotto. Civil law is juxtaposed with religious law to the right of the window: Gregory the Ninth approves the collection of decretals made by St. Raymond Penafort. The historical pope is actually a portrait of the pope who commissioned the work, Julius the Second, alongside other members of the College of Cardinals: Giovanni de' Medici (future Pope Leo the Tenth) and Alessandro Farnese (future Pope Paul the Third) are the throne assistants, and Cardinal del Monte is featured towards the far left of view. A homogenous architectural background joins the two scenes of the law. Resting on this structure, against an open sky, are Fortitude, Prudence, and Temperance, personifications that join with the Justice depicted on the ceiling to form the group of cardinal virtues. The three represented virtues belong to the qualities of the just judge, the just ruler. Prudence deserves the highest seat, she must guide the deployment of Fortitude and Temperance.

Ago tibi gratias Deo per instrumenta de Rev.

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