Bible Mysteries Podcast - Episode 153: Jerusalem and Babylon

1 year ago

Bible Mysteries Podcast - Episode 153: Jerusalem and Babylon


Many have tried deciphering the meaning of Mystery Babylon, the Mother of Harlots in the Book of Revelation. It’s applied to Rome, London, Washington DC, America, and Hollywood. Babylon certainly has its historical ties to Iraq and Assyria and is, in fact, the birthplace of the mystery religion that worships the Serpent. This “mystery of iniquity” was carried to all nations, languages, and cultures, but it is my contention that the grand scheme culminates in the birth of a wealthy, apostate Jerusalem that will be the headquarters for the Beast.

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Babylon: Heb. bāḇel (baw-vel’) - Babel or Babylon = "confusion (by mixing)"
Babel or Babylon, the ancient site and/or capital of Babylonia (modern Hillah) situated on the Euphrates

All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

Revelation 17:1-6, Genesis 11:8-9, Genesis 10:8-10, Revelation 14:8, Revelation 16:17-21, Revelation 17:7-17, Revelation 17:18, Revelation 18:1-3, Revelation 18:4-8, Revelation 18:9-17a, 2 Chronicles 2-5, Revelation 18:17b-24, Luke 11:46-52, Matthew 23:31-39, Isaiah 14:22-29, Matthew 24:15-19, Zechariah 14:1-11

I use a Tyndale large print King James Bible that can be found here:

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Christ warned the believers in Israel to flee Judea. Why? That’s where Jerusalem is, and it will be destroyed by the Lord Himself and rebuilt as a new mountain! The desecrated temple will be destroyed, and a new one will be built on the newly formed mountain of Zion, which will be like a plateau on the top. Christ will not use the temple the antichrist will defile. He will build His temple in Jerusalem!

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