Have You Reflected on Your Vision? | @cartwright.morris #businessmentoring

1 year ago

Have You Reflected on Your Vision?

Asking the right questions and giving people time to reflect can help them understand their vision and how they want to impact their world. How can you help your team articulate their vision and stay accountable to it? #ReflectAndImpact #VisionQuestions

Listen to the full episode 139: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/men-are-forged/id1276598809

"If they don't know
their vision
helped them
ask the right question
give them time to reflect
because a lot of people
some people come in
and they know exactly
what they want
in the next 10 years
20 years
where they wanna be
A lot of people
have never even taken
the time to reflect
on that (Their Vision)
So I would say just
by starting that conversation
getting them reflecting
and thinking about
how they want to impact
Their world around them
your culture
how they wanna add value
to others
and their life
and their career
And the next part
what do you see the vision
within the company
How does that
then translate
within what you
why did you bring them on?
How are you helping
keeping them
accountable to that vision
how are you articulating that
to them
so they know
what success looks like"

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