What Will Happens When You Start To Dead Hang

1 year ago

A dead hang might seem simple, but it's a highly effective exercise that targets multiple muscle groups, including your forearms, shoulders, and core. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced athlete, incorporating dead hangs into your routine can lead to increased grip strength, improved shoulder stability, and enhanced posture.
In a nutshell:

1. It decompresses your spine.
Many of the regular activities and movements that occur in our lives often lead to spine decompression.
Sitting in front of a computer for several hours a day is one example.
Lifting heavy objects is also another activity that forces the spine to compress.
Sitting positions, in particular, can lump untold stress upon your back and neck muscles and can lead to the tightening of the hip flexors.
What’s more, these can impede blood flow to the gluteus maximus.
This is bad because hip flexors and gluteus maximus are extremely important supporters of the spine.
This is where dead hangs come to the rescue.
Dead hangs work by decompressing the spine as gravity pulls you down while the hanging motion lengthens and relaxes your spine.
Your body weight gently pulls the vertebrae apart, and in turn, relieves the pressure of the discs, or the gel-like cushions situated between the bones and the spine.
Ultimately, this will rid your back of any tension or pain.
Another benefit of dead hangs is improved grip strength, which isn’t really rocket science since you’re literally hanging on for dear life, forcing your grip to be challenged.

2. It develops your grip strength.
Are you into obstacle course racing? Or perhaps, your cup of tea is sports like climbing, wrestling, and gymnastics?
Either way, you’d need to have a developed grip strength in order to succeed in any of those activities.
But more importantly, grip strength is necessary for usual, everyday tasks like opening bottles, carrying groceries, and holding a pen.
Oh and did you know that grip strength is a proven indicator of general body strength and muscle mass?
Yes, as it turns out, a good grip is associated with a long and healthy life.
Hanging from a bar or other object substantially challenges all the muscles involved with your grip as it tries to hold your entire body weight.
Grip strength is also an essential yet still overlooked aspect of fitness.
Having a poor grip can limit how much you can handle certain lifts and strength training exercises.
So, if you want to build a grip like a vice, then dead hangs are the key.
Besides stronger grip and spine decompression, one way dead hangs can significantly change your life is to make you look taller.
But more about that in a bit.

3. It improves your posture.
Posture correction using dead hangs is a thing, believe it or not.
Tight back muscles from sitting all day long because of desk jobs can wreak havoc on a person’s posture, leading to a hunched-over look.
Not only that but it can also lead to neck pain, back pain, and other irritating conditions.
And so, the better stretched those back muscles are, the better your posture will look.
An easy way to fix this is by practicing dead hangs.
Hanging provides traction and unloading throughout the body, but more so at the upper and mid-thoracic spine.
Think of a line across the back of your shoulders right to your spine.

Keep watching to find out the other 8!

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