1 year ago

Day 12 - My past does not define me

Read that again and feel it

My past does not define me.

A simple and powerful teaching that we have to continuously re-mind ourselves daily.

Our mind is able to wonder, and when we are unconscious, where our thoughts go, feelings follow

The feelings are always Now, this present moment
The one thing you always have full control of, is your Now.

Turn and 8 on its side.

Past, present, future

The thoughts are the past and future, they are infinite. The feeling however is always now and that is your truth.

When you become aware of this, it allows you to control your mind to recreate, so you can re-experience allowing you to remember who you truly are.

Become the observer of all the attachments, labels and stories you are holding onto, including to you, others, or how others labelled you

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, you can always chose to disagree and say no to them as that is not a truth. Your feelings are your feelings and not one person can take them away from you.

You have that choice

Bring awareness and let go, catch yourself going forward when you find yourself holding on or getting triggered.

Enjoy today everyone

As Steve Jobs Said

“You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something—your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”

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Meditation will change your life, Meditation is the Gateway to Gods Kingdom within you.

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