'Total Proof No Planes Hit The Buildings on 9/11' - 2010

1 year ago

Uploaded by BrutalTruthMediaMaui on Aug 18, 2010

Orbs were witnessed all around the twin towers on 9/11,and witnessed at the Pentagon on the day of the deliberate inside attacks,exotic weapons are no joke and were used for both attacks,9/11 and the pentagon.

We know that orbs can be used as transmitters and receivers because they have great, refractory and optical properties, orbs were witnessed all over on 9/11,they also are capable of transmitting digital or analog sound and video.' THIS IS WHERE THE JET ENGINE NOISE WAS GENERATED " The satellites can be programmed to track and monitor various areas.

This is what they were doing at the time of the attacks.

The beam entrained with the orb carries pictures in each just like the different frames in a movie. It is a particle beam weapon that is also a psyop frequency device. The satellites can project holographic pictures, sounds, and sensations to people through this technology. For instance some orbs have the ability to cloak themselves as birds.

Listen my friends,the government counts on the masses inability to be able to put all the pieces together,the government knows the majority of duped minds couldn't fathom that our good ole USA,the land of the free & under god would want to kill us off..the media is a weapon of mass persuasion/destruction in the way it enslaves the masses inside of a staged lie that's been built w/one intention in mind,to keep us asleep,not asking any questions & thinking the way they want us to.

All of the so called victims of the staged plane crash's were fictitious characters created out of a computer database..and the family's who had relatives die on the fake planes,they were hired actors..when you begin to dig down the rabbit hole it gets uglier and darker as you go.

911 cartoons conspiracy created by media networks. Live Video Coverage EXPOSED once and for all. Computer generated images revealed by this shocking video. Individual news reports in this video can be found on YouTube and other video sites.

Bombs, explosions, secondary explosions, explosive devices, AND NO PLANES during ALL live broadcasts, What, what, what, what, what?....how many more times do we need to hear these words being said by 9/11 witnesses before we start asking questions about what really happened on that awful day?

Many actual 9/11 witnesses heard and saw explosions going off inside the towers, long before they actually fell.

Witnesses include police, firemen and reporters.

And what is even more shocking is the fact that all of this has been largely ignored by the mainstream media after the day itself.

For those debunkers who wish to keep saying that the explosions were caused by gas lines, please save your breath. All of the three buildings that were blown up on 9/11 were all Class-A buildings. This means that gas lines were not permitted because the buildings had to comply with the safety regulations set out for Class-A buildings. So there were no gas lines!

We really need to wake up to the facts and ask questions. If we don't, what does that say about us?

New Documentary -- 100% Proof -- No Plane Hit Pentagon

Top 10 reasons why no planes hit the WTC on 9/11 http://www.asiaobserver.com/forum/22-news-and-current-events/12956-top-10-reasons-why-no-planes-hit-the-wtc-on-91101

Supporting Evidence for No-Planes and DEW (exotic weapons)

If you appreciate the things I find then might I consider purchasing a few dollars of Sandy Hook Hoax token on the Algorand blockchain https://vestige.fi/asset/1156612691
Things live forever and permanently on the blockchain and if the token gets enough support we can ensure that all of the hard work everyone has done and continues to do doesn't one day get all traces of it eliminated. Keep saving, archiving, seeding, downloading and sharing everything. If you don't you allow them to erase and rewrite history how they see fit. Remember that you pay them to tell you what you can talk about. :)

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