Polio & Post Polio Caused by a Virus or Chemical & Radiation Poisoning? Solutions?

1 year ago

Dr. Robert Young and Michael Moreau discussed various topics related to health and environmental factors that contribute to diseases. They challenged the conventional understanding of viruses as harmful pathogens and presented evidence to support their theory that they are actually exosomes or bacterial phages created by the body in response to pollution and poisoning.

They also discussed the importance of chlorophyll in building and restoring blood and recommended adding pure chlorophyll to water to functionally structure it to an alkaline state.

Dr. Young shared his latest work, including two books, "Truth versus Deception" and "Liberty versus Tyranny, Part Two," and recommended both books, which cover the topics of truth, deception, fact, fiction, liberty, and tyranny.

Dr. Young and Michael also discussed the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation and the non-disclosed ingredients in vaccines. They talked about the need to be aware of the dangers of radiation and to mitigate Wi-Fi and get away from the grid. Dr. Young provided references to articles that can help answer questions about these topics and emphasized that the right to this information is no greater than the need for it.

They also discussed excess deaths associated with exposure to radiation and the need to be aware of it.

Finally, Dr. Young provided information on how to donate to his research and obtain the information he provides free of charge.

In addition, Dr. Young and Michael discussed the lack of evidence for the existence of the polio virus and the environmental factors that contribute to diseases such as cancer and central nervous system disorders. They argued that diseases are caused by environmental factors such as acidic chemical poisoning, pesticides, and acidic vaccinations, rather than a specific germ cause.

They also discussed the link between polio, vaccinations, and environmental factors such as DDT.

They emphasized the importance of doing research and checking specific references to understand the environmental causes of diseases.

Key Questions

Is there a genetic receptor site for the poliovirus in 2-3% of the population?6:42

What is the relationship between DDT spraying and the development of polio symptoms?24:19

How can chlorophyll, oil, water, and salt help protect against pollution and maintain health?51:09

What are the similarities between the United States, Canada, and the UK in terms of excess deaths and electromagnetic radiation exposure?

Chapters & Topics

Technical difficulties with audio equipment0:15

Michael Moreau's Personal Reflections13:29

Discussion on the Environmental Causes of Diseases16:38

Environmental factors and their impact on health
The Link Between Polio, Vaccinations, and Environmental Factors22:14

Polio and its connection to DDT and vaccinations
Discussion on the nature of viruses and their relation to exosomes and bacterial phages.31:49

The dangers of electromagnetic radiation
The Importance of Chlorophyll in Building and Restoring Blood45:02

Dr. Robert Young shares his latest work and recommends two books.47:49

Solutions to Pollution and Alkaline Design of Body Fluids50:09

The importance of maintaining an alkaline internal environment
Discussion on Harmful Inventions and New Book Release53:20

Discussion on Electromagnetic Radiation and Non-Disclosed Vaccine Ingredients58:24

Learn more about the work, research and findings of Dr. Robert O. Young at: www.drrobertyoung.com/blog

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