Naruto's Baryon Mode vs Sasuke Amaterasu | 4K 60fps Naruto x Boruto UNSC

1 year ago

Naruto's Baryon Mode vs Sasuke's Amaterasu | 4K 60fps PS5 Gameplay - Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections

Get ready for an epic showdown in Naruto X Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections! Naruto, accompanied by Hinata and Boruto, faces off against Sasuke, with Itachi and Sakura by his side. It's a battle that transcends generations as the Uzumaki clan clashes with the Uchiha clan. Who will emerge victorious in this thrilling 4K 60fps PS5 gameplay?

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#narutovssasuke #narutoxborutoultimateninjastormconnections UltimateNinjaStorm #animegaming #narutovssasukeedit #uzumakiclan #uchihaclan #narutogameplay #ps5gaming #epicbattles #narutoshippuden #boruto #narutofans #sasukeuchiha #hinatahyuga #itachiuchiha #sakuraharuno #ninjafight #ShinobiClash #narutoultimateninjastorm4 #4k60fps

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