Bases 137 Bob Osborne - Zennor - Spirtit of Place Part 4 - The Fabian Agenda

1 year ago

Zennor Spirit of Place, as researched in depth by Bob Osborne, joins the dots in this series about the scale of the of the plots and agendas being created and developed in Cornwall.
Its explained in the book, soon to be made as paperback, in late 2023, 'Zennor - Spirit of Place'.
Bob now owns the farm where this began in the early 20th century. The details of the many characters and ideas involved. From Huxley, to Aleister Crowley, the communes and the "new society" being planned. Its all here at Zennor, from the depths of the dark of Switzerland, Barvaria, the Leigh Line Wars. Himmler. Ultimately expressed as the Fabian Agenda. Full transhumanization by 2050.

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