Brewing39 End of Summer Brews & BBQ ~ Buena Park CA

1 year ago

Last Saturday, we came together on a hot muggy afternoon to celebrate the end of the summer. We had a huge crock pot full of carnitas for tacos and lots other tasty summer food. I had 4 cold kegs of summer beers on line, Belgian Light, Desert Road Blonde Ale, The Main Event Blonde Ale, California Über Alles Ale as well as a variety of bottled brews in the cooler packed in ice.

We had the fire pit going but it was such a warm day that we mostly hung out on the patio and braved the mosquitoes with the citronella plant close by and branches of Rosemary passed around, the mosquito coils burning around us and enjoyed the time together. I was missing a certain special someone who could not make it on Saturday and pouting a bit inside. Next time, Lord willing, I hope that she is there next to me. That's what the audio track choice is about. I want to thank my wonderful friends and family who showed up and made the afternoon & evening very special for me. William Brewing39

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