Dental anaesthetics graphene/nanotech

1 year ago

What's in the Dental anaesthetics? Compilation video of 20 recent clips. Refs here:
Dr Len Ber MD Little Robots (1m)
Sasha Latypova with Dr Jane Ruby on avoiding Sustained Release local aesthetics. (1m 25s)
Matt Taylor “This one is my favourite” (4m 53s)
Len Bar MD Carbocaine (Dental Anaesthetic) Study Part One (9m 22s)
DARPA Hydrogel (1m)
Sasha and Ruby again on Catalent (modeRNA) (45s)
Dr. David Nixon’s latest video drying 1 drop Dental Anaesthetic (6m 22s)
Matt Taylor on Maria Zeee’s show (1m 24s)
Graphene Flagship Marketing Promotion (2m 36s)
Matt Taylor talking about Stew Peters (35s)
Stew Peters with Matt Taylor calling for people to get out their Microscopes and Debunk (43s)
Len Bar Part Two – This is a replication of previous study with dental anesthetic Carbocaine, but with blood from a COVID-19 unvaccinated person, plus two update clips KAMS 419 & 500 hours after presentation (6m 38s)
Matt Taylor on Stew Peters show again (1m 27s)
Matt Taylor with Dr David Nixon and Shimon Yanowitz (3m 18s)
Dentist uses a new technique dubbed “Magneto Thermal Technique” to limit the amount of graphene prior to injecting his patient. (2m 42s) - Technique using Heat & Magnetism they purify 1/5th of each vial from graphene (heat vial to a little more than body-temperature approx. 37°C , small powerful magnet passes over vial at least 5x top to bottom (rubber-stopper-side-down), leave magnet at bottom for 10 secs and obtain liquid from upper-part of vial. See this instruction video by La Quinto Columna (English voiceover) -
Ana Maria Mihalcea MD with Maria Zee Dental Hydrogel (3m)
Stew Peters with Mat Taylor again (1m 53s)
Matt Taylor wanted to tell Stew about what to look for under the microscope (42s)
Dental Anesthtic Xylonor seen under a microscope (1m 17s)
Interesting Engineering Promo “The Miracle Material: Graphene” (5m 58s)

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