Trails from Zero Story Discussion and Review - Breaking Barriers and Taking Names!

1 year ago

Welcome to my nearly three hour long Trails from Zero story discussion and review! I wanted to do a video similar to my three Trails in the Sky videos, but after thinking about it for a couple of days, I just can't delay starting Trails to Azure any longer (I'm well into the first chapter after finally starting it yesterday). Instead of spending hours and weeks editing a big video, I decided to go old school, hit record, and well, here you go! I am very proud of my Sky videos, don't get me wrong, but I just don't think I can do that again. lol In this video I talk about pretty much every detail in Trails from Zero, the connections to the Sky trilogy (and why you should absolutely play those games first!), and even some of my predictions for Trails to Azure. There will be timestamps down below if you would like to bounce around. I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for watching, let me know your thoughts in the comments down below, and have a great day!

00:00:00 - Intro
00:01:48 - Trails from Zero Synopsis
00:10:50 - Records
00:16:00 - Characters
00:57:51 - Visuals
01:05:51 - Watching the opening and other cutscenes
01:10:50 - Going through relevant screenshots and talking about the story in great detail
02:32:46 - Predictions for Trails to Azure
02:36:22 - Final Thoughts and Outro

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