(PART 03) [Bombed Quarantine Zones] The Last of Us: Part I

1 year ago

PART 04: https://youtu.be/CwX1LquFIzM
After waiting for the major bugs and problems that led to the PC port of this playstation exclusive to have bombing day 1 releases to get fixed I finally decided to go ahead and give it a go. I surprisingly never played this game even during the original release on ps3. I also never watched the HBO series of the game so I honestly don't know if this is good or not. But since there was a 20% off sale on steam I decided to go ahead and give it a shot.

=TheThe Last of Us Playlists=
The Last of Us: Part I: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyggOvOVG5v0nTNnj6l-63XcorrrH7CaV

The Last of Us: Part II: TBD

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