Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits In The Morning

1 year ago

Full Video - Shocking Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar Revealed!

If you’re just learning about Apple Cider Vinegar, you’re late to the party! Better late then never though because there’s a reason why so many people are talking about this important health brew. If you’re new to the channel, welcome my name is Tim Davis and my mission is to share my personal health experiences, helping you to live your best life in a state of powerful health! As mentioned, Apple Cider Vinegar is a fermented brew meaning it is teaming with beneficial microbes that improve digestion and boost immunity. There are many applications including skin and hair routines using this miraculous liquid, however in this video I’ll mainly be talking about the internal benefits from consumption, so let’s get started.

When I was sick with Crohn’s disease, I experimented with various health supplements. Apple Cider Vinegar caught my attention while I was studying the chemistry of body pH. It has been claimed that disease and illness cannot thrive in an alkaline environment. The opposite of alkaline is acidic. The ideal pH balance for the human body is 7.4. You can easily test this by purchasing pH strips and urinating in a cup. Dip the strip into the urine to determine the acidity or alkalinity of your body chemistry. The most accurate reading is obtained first thing in the morning.

Though Apple Cider Vinegar is highly acidic, when consumed it has a very alkaline effect on the body. Thus, drinking about 1 to 2 tablespoons first thing in the morning is a great way to establish a balance PH at the start of the day.

If this is your first time trying Apple Cider Vinegar, be warned that the taste is not pleasant. Through my experience, there are 3 methods of consumption. You can drink it as a shot and get it over with quick. It can be diluted in water and sipped slowly. Or it can also be added into smoothies. Usually in a rush, I just knock it back straight, however when I’m in the routine of making a daily juice, adding it in is a great way to hide the taste.

The most reputable brand with the highest quality Apple Cider Vinegar is made by a company named Braggs. In addition to correcting PH, it is also helpful for fighting colds as it stimulates the good bacteria in the small intestines. If however you’re drinking it straight, it actually might cause a sore throat since the acidic nature of the drink slightly burns while going down the esophagus. So be careful not to over do it and drink as much as me.

Before you pour the drink, it’s important to shake the glass bottle well as it contains healthy sentiments that drift towards the bottom known as “the mother”. My girlfriend used to get grossed out when I mentioned “the mother”. Weirdo. Still, this is the most beneficial part of the drink so make sure you shake it up to receive the benefits.

Of course there are many other health benefits as well including the stabilization of blood sugar which is especially helpful for people with insulin resistance. This stems to more efficient fat burning for a slim waste and also helps with acid reflux. Next time you’re burping or have the hiccups, drink some of this and then do some jumping jacks. In combination with Formula 2 and an enema, you’ll soon feel perfect.

You see, natural health isn’t just about one thing or product. The body is a combination of life. Everything you eat, drink, see, touch, breathe and think becomes a part of you. As long as you do more beneficial actions than negative ones, your body will become more and more healthy.

When true health has been achieved, maintaining it becomes fun and second nature since you’ll become addicted to feeling healthy. This health high is greater than parting, eating bad food and drinking alcohol. There is nothing dogmatic about this lifestyle the way I live it. Every now and then go out and have your fun. If you’ve earned it, your body can handle it. But remember that your health is an accumulation of good and bad lifestyle choices.

Apple Cider Vinegar happens to be an excellent substance for improving your overall health. So after you’ve done the research and gotten excited about how good it is, the most important thing you can do is just keep drinking it, a little bit every morning. Once opened, it should be stored in the refrigerator.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comment section below. As always, thanks for watching and be sure to like this video and subscribe to the channel for more important health tips and remedies. I also have a book available on Amazon called “If You Feel Sick, Do This Now” so go ahead and check that out. Once again, this is Tim Davis signing out. See ya on the next one!

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