Kevin J Johnston Scolds FAKE NEWS Outlet CTV About Their Lies And Culpable Homicide.

1 year ago

Kevin J Johnston Scolds FAKE NEWS Outlet CTV About Their Lies And Culpable Homicide.

Major media outlets in Canada like ctv, City tv, CBC and the Toronto Star are all run by far left-wing maggots who hate white people, hate Christians and even hate themselves.

CTV is a News Network in exactly the same way that I'm a Chinese astronaut currently orbiting Venus. CTV has attempted to interview me on numerous occasions and every single time they do I simply remind them that they are a useless Institution. Pay attention to the blonde bitch in this video who knew that I was just about to accuse CTV of culpable homicide and she stops filming with her phone.

I would like one of you to perhaps explain to me why it is that everybody is afraid of media Outlets like this? Everybody who works for CTV is a pedophile as far as I'm concerned they are also guilty of high treason and like I said earlier, culpable homicide. They took bribe money from Justin Trudeau to lie to the public about covid-19 and of course they lie about everything else as well. I'm shocked they can even utter the name of their own network that's how much they lie.

I hope you enjoy this video as much as I enjoyed making it!

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