1 year ago


How clever of Columbus it was to ‘discover’ America, or of the British empire to ‘discover’ parts of Africa - as if there weren’t communities living in these places already all along. Communities, moreover, with an intimate knowledge of and connection to their lands. If that’s how easy it is to claim territory as your own, why don’t we ‘discover’ England, for example? That’s the question implicit in this little skit by the inimitable wit and Afrocentric scholar Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan (aka Dr. Ben to his fans). Watch and let us know what you discover!

#Columbus #America #Britain #Empire #Africa #Knowledge #Territory #England #Afrocentric #Scholar #DrYosefBenJochannan
The point being made in this skit is a critical one that challenges the notion of "discovering" lands that were already inhabited by indigenous communities. Columbus, for example, is often credited with "discovering" America, but there were already thriving indigenous civilizations in the Americas long before his arrival. Similarly, the British Empire's colonization efforts in Africa involved claiming territory that had been inhabited by diverse African communities for centuries.

The idea of "discovering" a place that is already inhabited reflects a Eurocentric perspective that disregards the presence, knowledge, and connection of indigenous and local communities to their lands. It raises questions about the legitimacy of such claims and the power dynamics involved in colonization and empire-building.

The skit by Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan appears to use humor and satire to provoke thought about this issue and invites viewers to question the concept of "discovery" and territorial claims. It serves as a reminder of the importance of acknowledging and respecting the histories and cultures of the communities that have long inhabited these lands.

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