Scraps From The Cutting Room Floor with v/o of Tony Parsons

6 years ago

Of all the words in non-duality that I have heard, I probably love these the most. They are taken from my chat with Tony Parsons from the film I did called Zero & One. I can’t really say why I love these words. Maybe it is because they are so spectacularly ordinary…Maybe it’s because they really really say what the search is about as far as I would be concerned.… A lot of non-duality can flat line my brain. These words…. Each time I hear them I want to hear them again. And they sort of sing not to my brain but to my old heart. Oops I probably built it up now. I can’t imagine anybody ever reads this area of youtube so I think it’s ok.
One of the things I love most is putting music to video clips. I take a fair bit of footage and most of it ends up not being used. Dunno why I included that clip of me with my Father either…I just like including random things… If you told me I could make a living out of filming whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted and I could do anything I wanted with the footage, I would be pretty chuffed.
Here are some clips, bits and snippets that were just sitting there taking up space on my hard drive. The music is called Requiem in Cello from Hanu Dixit (From the youtube free music library).
You can support the process of podcasting & video making here.
If you have any recommendations for people that might be interesting to chat to on a podcast I would be grateful if you could email me at Only caveat is that they are not selling anything and like chewing the cud...Can be from anywhere on any subject.

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