An Ice Age Is Coming And It’s Not Milankovic Who Says It, But The Sun!

1 year ago

"Glaciers are retreating, Greenland is blooming with flowers, Arctic ice is disappearing, sea levels are rising... Stop global warming or the Earth will die!"

This, more or less, is the relentless message we've been bombarded with daily for years. Everyone says it, so why shouldn't we believe it?

Only a few persist in claiming that the anthropogenic origin of global warming is merely an unproven conjecture, deduced solely from complex computer programs known as General Circulation Models. On the contrary, scientific literature has increasingly highlighted the presence of natural climate variability that these models fail to reproduce.

This natural variability explains a significant portion of the global warming observed since 1850. The anthropogenic responsibility for the observed climate change in the last century is therefore unjustifiably exaggerated, and the catastrophic predictions are unrealistic.

The climate is the most complex system on our planet, requiring appropriate and coherent approaches commensurate with its level of complexity. According to the minority of "climate change skeptics," climate simulation models do not reproduce the observed natural climate variability, particularly failing to reconstruct the warm periods of the last 10,000 years. These periods recurred roughly every thousand years and include the well-known Medieval Warm Period, the Roman Warm Period, and generally extended warm periods during the Holocene Optimum. These past periods were even warmer than the present, despite lower CO2 concentrations than today, and are linked to millennial cycles of solar activity.

Whom should we listen to? Shall we discuss it?

🎥 Also Watch: The Dance of Mother Earth. Cycles of Time & Cycles of Change -- GLOBAL WARMING HOAX & SCAM DESTROYED -- Cyclical Global Warming & Cyclical Economies

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