What's In 'Beyond The Birds & Bees' App?

1 year ago

Things you didn't want your kids to know about sex. Although the content in the app discussed here is aimed at 12 year olds, discretion is advised.

We think the content in Beyond The Birds & Bees app is inappropriate for school-aged children, and yet this app has been developed by the agencies that schools refer students to, including InsideOut and Family Planning, and others.

We strongly encourage parents to check in with your children daily about what they are learning at school, and what they are accessing on their phones and devices. Build trust and connection with your children, they need you now more than ever.

The app we are discussing here is https://www.beyondthebirdsandbees.co.nz/ (we DON'T recommend it).

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual abuse we recommend checking out https://www.handingtheshameback.org/

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