Garden Design for Impact, Fall Planning Tour

1 year ago

We try to make significant improvements to the presentation of our farm every year, and our time for that is the fall. It's after the retail season, and we have a little more time to reflect on what worked (and didn't!). The thumbnail and early garden scenes are from a walk Lisa and I took through Sendall Gardens in Langley BC for inspiration. Yes, we're exactly that geeky about plants!

A couple of questions I'll answer here in the description, even though I expect I may have to answer again to comments:

1) Yes, we'll have some mix of roses and/or clematis climbing both of the metal pergolas we've already built, as well as the custom (curved garden) shade structure to follow. I don't yet know which ones, but will update you when they go in the ground.

2) I don't expect that Lisa will often join me for videos, so I'm happy you got to meet her. It made a lot of sense for this subject because she's the big-picture thinker for garden and nursery projects. For more routine garden and nursery videos I'm generally more comfortable with the topics, and so we just follow a natural division of labor.

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Photo credits:
Kirengeshoma palmata by KENPEI CC BY-SA 3.0
Sciadopitys verticillata by scott.zon CC BY-SA 2.0

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