MILITARY TRIBUNALS JUNE 2023 ??? Riccardo Bosi Failed Prediction

1 year ago

In a Q+A video uploaded in December 2022 (link below) failed political candidate Riccardo Bosi from fake political party Australia One predicted that "military tribunals" would be taking place in mid 2023.

This failed prediction arose from a question from an A1 supporter "What do you mean exactly when you say this is the end of the end" ???

In providing his answer, Bosi makes the following bold assertions --

1. QAnon is "very real" and has been going for 60+ years
2. The latest "counteroffensive" began the year before Trump was elected
3. The "top level of filth" that has been "running the planet" has been supposedly, taken out
4. Bosi claims presidents and prime ministers are "middle order" and are now "panicking" and are apparently, ratting on each other
5. Bosi claims the middle order folks get a knock at the door from a guy with a gun that is pointed at their upper level of teeth, just below the nose
6. He further claims said middle order are "made an offer" which is to cooperate
7. Bosi then predicts a "month of discomfort" until the end of the year (note: video was made in December 2022)
8. Bosi also never defines "discomfort" and seems to have a brain fart when explaining this supposed period of time
9. Revelations and truth will supposedly come out in 2023
10. He says emphatically "by the middle of the year, military tribunals will kick off"
11. He further claims "many have been done" and says people have been tried and executed but does not say who these people are, nor what their alleged crimes were
12. He then says "people in Australia have been arrested" but again, refuses to provide names or specific details

He wraps up his little spiel by saying the evidence will be "so overwhelming" and then naturally, by criticising those who question him, saying "you will hang your head in shame, for the rest of your miserable, selfish, lazy lives"

Note that Bosi provides absolutely no evidence to support these wild assertions and it is assumed that his position is essentially "trust me bro" or a similar sentiment. Brain dead A1 mouthpiece Sarah Youll seems to be none the wiser and enables Bosi's pathetic rhetoric. She does herself and her audience a disservice by refusing to question Bosi or hold him to any kind of evidentiary standard.

AustraliaOne Party Q&A with Riccardo Bosi
03 December 2022
What do you mean exactly when you say 'this is the end of the end'? (43:02)

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