( -0575 ) Instant Rust Isn't Normal. Were They 'Plasma Fires' (3000° F) In Lahaina & Paradise? Why Is There No 'Plasma Rust' On Blue Cars?

1 year ago

Getting fire to a plasma state enables transfer of molecules to combine with oxygen?

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What are plasma fires? Plasma fires are fires burning hot enough to enter a plasma state. What is the 'plasma state'?

The plasma state is considered the first state of matter, since it preceded other states (gases, liquids, and solids) in the Universe.

Plasma is a highly charged, highly energetic state of matter different than the state of gas. To make plasma, energy is needed to strip electrons from atoms. The energy can be of various forms – heat, electrical or light (ultraviolet light or intense visible light from a laser or MICROWAVE DEVICE OR WEAPON). Ordinary fire has some individual ions, but plasma fire has wide electromagnetic fields of such ions. With insufficient sustaining power, plasmas recombine into neutral gas. It is a state of matter in which long-range electric and magnetic fields dominate the behavior of the substances in that state, which are ionized and become highly electrically conductive, resulting in various waves and other types of collective phenomena. For many purposes, the conductivity of a plasma may be treated as infinite.

Oscillations of the electrons in plasma is much larger than the electron–neutral collision frequency in gases. Therefore lectrostatic interactions dominate, rather than the processes of ordinary gas kinetics. Such plasmas are called collisionless. Instant 'rustification' is possible, rather than a normal rust process that takes a long time.

When microwave energy hits a car, the energy doesn't 'find ground' easily. This is true even with a lightning bolt (form of plasma energy). Therefore the energy field can accumulate in metals in the car. This energy brings fire within it's field into a plasma state. With fire in a plasma state, the fire will burn at much hotter temperatures (as it will when aluminum has accumulated in soils to a level 50x it's usual proportion). Fire in a plasma state is far more dangerous, because 3000° F embers remain in a plasma state for quite a while, and are completely deadly, whereas normal embers of several hundred degrees. Plasma embers found boats in Maui, creating the unusual situation where damp boats (normally resistant to igniting from ember strikes) were instantly ignited.

People have argued that the strong winds in Lahaina created a "blow torch" effect, but they don't realize that the reason blow torches burn hot is the type of fuel (which needs a high quantity of oxygen). Plasma also needs a high amount of oxygen, but plasma fires create their own weather systems and bring oxygen out of the environment. The plasma state enables fires to remain hot with less fuel, and enables the fires to consume More fuel, more consistently, by their durability. When human remains are found after being burnt by plasma they're seen to be formed into hardened materials because of the electrical field. This is one of the biggest giveaways, and this is why Police Chief and Chief Wizard John Pelletier had to ensure that no one from the outside could examine the bodies. It's also why he had to appoint himself the Coroner.

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