Cop solicites bs charges, Willimantics finest

1 year ago

we've had an issue with thos officer here now for over a year. we have more complaints about him than anyone else. probably 10 fold. he's bad news. we catch him all the time extending minorbtraffic stops into full blown searchs... for nothing, we watching him stop our homeless, our poor, our ppl that are struggling, you don't even see him out theor actually deal with the real stuff. the real problems. he doesn't know the law, or he does and he just blatantly doesn't care, either way he needs to go, this is not acceptable. the supervisors are just as ignorant and again it's sad. please feel free to redress these clowns all info will be below


Tyrant Slayer Studios

Willimantic Police Department
22 Meadow St, Willimantic, CT 06226
+1 860-465-3135

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