THE ORIGIN STORY OF JESUS Part 43: The Kings of Israel

1 year ago

King Ahab and Jezebel promoted and trained the Israelites to love and worship Baal. They failed to realize that God promotes love and patience, but the flipside is justice and wrath for those who rebel.

Jehu and his soldiers started a purge that saw thousands executed for idolatry, but he compromised by using deception to lure the wicked people and slaughter them without mercy. Lying is never acceptable to God because it is a practice that stems from father of lies – Lucifer.

Maybe this is what led to his enthrallment with the golden calves set up by King Jeroboam in Bethel and Dan. Jehu wanted to please the Lord by destroying Baal worship in Israel, but worshiping a golden calf was just as wicked.

The calves were a hoax and political stunt to keep the people in the north from traveling to the temple in Jerusalem. He took no heed to walk in the law of God with all his heart and ended up in hell with the same people he executed.
Sermon Outline:

RLJ-1832 -- OCTOBER 31, 2021

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