A Movie Within A Movie Within A Movie Within A Movie Within A Movie or A Riddle Inside an Enigma ?

1 year ago

Fuck !

If I had to bet it all- and I do.

I’m pushing all my chips to the middle of the table,
I’m betting on God

I’m pushing all my chips to the middle of the table,
I’m betting on God

Tom’s Activism Videos.

1.) MF-59 and Micoplasmas in the Anthrax Vaccines https://youtu.be/lfWBcDiyHbc?si=n5MXET78swTCBLwW

2.) Throwing my hat 🎩 into the ring to be Speaker 🔈 of The House of Representatives: https://youtu.be/8Z7Azx45ni8?si=mgLOngZP0VEnKbu0

3.) Admiral Crandall - The Hangman of Havana https://youtube.com/shorts/b42M_Lv7uDw?si=TFl5UgBcYQLXoAyu

4.) Commentary on White Hat Treason - https://youtu.be/n__0dVBSCzg?si=UArQcNa-_K24ke8c

5.) Zen And The Art Of Drum Maintenance 👨‍🔧 https://youtu.be/Bm0z5jHkkUo?si=dnkXn6BuGysppO3v

6.) My offer to provide security of RFK JR. https://youtu.be/Tdjlo86R6V4?feature=shared

7.) Grandpa 👴 Tom’s Truth Bombs 💣 as of August 2023 - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8YHXv6J/

8.) Lahaina / Maui Massacre Was An Act Of War ~ Proceed Accordingly
They really do eat children. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8YQaaop/

9.) In 2002 I wrote up a Petition to FREE IRON THUNDERHORSE because I was captivated by his writing ✍️ and him being ( or claiming to be former Special Forces ). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Thunderhorse

Please 🙏 Sign Here : https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/286/295/701/

10.) Biden Inauguration Staged On 2 Different Days !!!

https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT82mAKHU/THE EVENT EXPLAINED:

1.) THE EVENT: Military GESARA and NESARA, US Military, Capitol Hill Tribunals,Treason, GITMO, Mass Arrests, BLACKOUT, Rockefeller Deep State, Pentagon – The World Teeters on the Edge of a Cataclysmic Event!
In a world laden with secrets and deceptive appearances, “THE EVENT” looms large. It’s a whisper on the wind, a shiver down the spine of every person plugged into the underbelly of global conspiracies. The imminent overhaul of the world’s order is about to be unveiled, and this revelation will shake humanity to its very core.

The Hidden Tribunals: Unearthing Capitol Hill's Midnight Trials...


2.) Extremely Important:
Operation Vampire 🧛‍♂️ Killer
Operation Vampire 🧛‍♂️ Killer:

1.) https://vault.library.uvic.ca/concern/generic_works/79f30599-76ff-4e55-b25f-f012a44d4e4e

2.) Operation Vampire Killer 2000, 1992 | ArchivesSpace Public Interface

3.) https://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/religion.occult.new_age/occult.conspiracy.and.related/Operation%20Vampire%20Killer%202000.pdf

4.) Richard Grenell listed in 2021 as President of The United States


5.) Galactic Federation Notes :
Non- Interference based on previous Human to Reptilian Agreements https://www.facebook.com/kenneth.taylor.77377692/videos/2910400242430046/?mibextid=KPDiXm

6.) When the cat’s away the mice 🐁 fuck the 🐱 kittens 🐈‍⬛


7.) Elena Danaan October Conference https://www.crowdcast.io/@elena-danaan

8.) Biden Inauguration Staged On 2 Different Days !!!


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