Summary of health bonanza chiropractor land, my Mom, & this Honeybadger needs the support dammit

1 year ago

I did what I could to summarize what's going on in chiropractor land as I was diagnosed with Scoliosis a couple of months ago. For many years I thought I had Spinal Stenosis due to family history and chose to do nothing about it because I felt there was nothing that could be done. For those that don't know what Scoliosis is an abdominal curvature in the spinal cord that can be treated, while Spinal Stenosis is the deterioration in the spinal cord that can be managed, but not treated. What did it for me was the fact my body temperature was burning up and am having difficulty breathing. When you see the scans for yourself you will see why. Ever since the treatments at the chiropractor place started five weeks ago, am entering my sixth week and have thirteen more to go with a total of eighteen weeks with thirty six sessions. I included my Mom's scans, and am trying to help take care of her despite her diabetes, anxiety, and she has a brain aneurysm the size of a small snail. Besides, I am doing what I can to save her life that is why I looked into other avenues to help restore her memory, other avenues to treat her brain aneurysm without any discomfort nor stress, and improve her mobility. I am sharing this information to see if you may want to look into this for yourself.
Why I have been going after Energy Enhancement Systems (EES) was because I do see some potential to help others of both animals and humans in the long-term. But I have seen red flags that needs to be addressed including missing information on their website. I did show all of that and more, including their contact information. More need to put the pressure on EES to make this more affordable and accessible. So far only the wealthy can afford this as their Qubes are $15,000 and their units start at $28,000. If you chose to go to one of their many centers are priced at $60 per hour per person. To this day they refuse to lower their prices at the centers to $20-$30 per hour nor will they lower the price of their Qubes. Their warranty on the Qubes is only for one year only and they expect people to purchase insurance should any disaster happen.
Also, I do show the Tesla Biohealers and Rebuilder Medical Inc. are at least in some aspect way more affordable and accessible. Yes, they do cost $2000 or less as that is the going rate for other medical devices. But at least there is contact information so at least you can speak to a person and there is a money back guarantee from 60 to 90 days. Also, look into My Patriot Supply as they do have excellent customer service and are a reputable company.
You can decide with what you want to do as there is a ton of information.
The scans of both my Mom and I are for real. I may not look like that I am in pain, when in fact that is true I know how to hide it real well. Towards the end of the video I demonstrated some kickboxing skills to show what happens afterwards as I get these uncontrollable muscle spasms in one of my arms. Other times it can be in both arms and in my left leg.

Each of us does what they can in their own time. It's true that our whole system is based on consent. Anything that promotes control, depopulation, and separation from God are promoted to the nth degree. There is so much to consider is it not? I would appreciate any assistance that you can to support me. We human beings are the only species that has to pay to be here. Please consider one's time as well. I am not feeling the love nor the support that this Honeybadger Squirrel needs. Please share this, pray, and/or donate.
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