Joshua Graham intrudes upon the Count of the Demon Castle again, intent on talking about old times

1 year ago

Joshua Graham makes another attempt to reconnect with and recover his old friend but allows the same memories to incite his anger and torpedo the whole thing.

AI Voices by ElevenLabs, original writing by me.

D: "Graham! ...Again!? Do you think my presence something to consistently trample upon? Yes...of course you would..."

JG: I can always find you Cronqvist... some friends are harder to lose than others.

D: "You are not a fond friend anymore Graham..."

JG: You said you didn't know me, but that means nothing when I know you! We both held back, we both enacted our will upon those who thought they free of their iniquities.

D: "You mean, when we took the indulgences from the priest's bodies? The money we wouldn't pay to them?"

JG:As if anyone could bribe Yahova. Did you try?

D: "No ...neither did you...perhaps Baldwin did... But I remember that month of May... the bloodshed and the iniquities committed... ...we knew better... ...THEY knew better!"

JG: Yet it was our adherence to The Lord that led us to help heal the same damage we had caused. To what treasury would that gold been rendered unto Caesar? How long would it have collected dust?

D: "What are we? Human?"

JG: We were, and there are few who remember that.

D: "What are you doing here?"

JG: What you should have done yourself, when that sniveling phantom stole your son's heirlooms.

D: "What!? ...Heirlooms? There are mine! I am still breathing! They are still my personal possessions!"

JG: Betwixt the time Lisa and I were being set alight, when did they become yours?

D: "GO!! GET OUT NOW!!!"

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