Due to the Axis of Evil, even the UN itself may cease to exist!

1 year ago

9/9/2023 【Miles Insight】Changdao Brother: Once terrorist organizations under the control of the Axis of Evil, such as the Taliban, possess nuclear weapons, this will result in the widespread proliferation of nuclear weapons. The INF Treaty will then also be broken, and terrorist organizations all over the world will get missiles from the Axis of Evil! In the future, the United Nations will not be able to play any role at all, and even the UN itself will cease to exist! Mankind will face a catastrophe even more tragic than the COVID pandemic!
#NFSC #TakedowntheCCP
9/9/2023 【Nicole看七哥】长岛哥:一旦邪恶轴心国控制的诸如塔利班这样的恐怖组织拥有了核武器,会造成核武器大面积扩散。届时《中导条约》也将会被打破,全球恐怖组织都会从邪恶轴心国那里得到导弹!未来联合国根本起不了作用,甚至联合国本身都将不复存在!人类将会面对比病毒灾难更为惨烈的灾难!
#新中国联邦 #消灭中共

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