With the addition of new members to the legal team, Mr. Miles Guo has become even busier

1 year ago

9/9/2023 【Miles Insight】With the addition of new members to the legal team, Mr. Guo has become even busier, spending most of his time meeting with lawyers and studying the case. However, he remains in high spirits and is very healthy. Our fellow fighters may write him letters when truly having something heartfelt to say, but do not do so collectively as a task, and especially avoid discussing the case or reporting on work-related matters.
#MilesGuo #NFSC #TakedowntheCCP
9/9/2023 【Nicole看七哥】随着新成员加入律师团,郭先生也变得更加的忙碌,大多数时间都用在会见律师和研究案子上面,但他依旧精神十足,非常健康。战友们如果有感而发,可以写信给郭先生,但不要组团当任务去写,特别不要谈及案情和汇报工作之类的。
#郭文贵 #新中国联邦 #消灭中共

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