The Present Gruesome Luciferian Rule

1 year ago

People are in denial and cannot face the level of inhumanity present in the Anglo-Juedo-Luciferian Rule. I did a video on my verboten YouTube channel explaining how we have to battle the coming psychotronic manipulations of our brains and the other means of mind control the present Luciferians are using against us. I said that we have to reconnect to our spiritual mind, which is fired by the Holy Spirit of God. I said that it is a higher level of consciousness and exists above the mere function of the brain. I was literally mocked by those who are locked in extreme materialism, whose NOUS, that is, their spiritual mind, is dormant or dead. I give testimony to the activity of the NOUS in this video, events I have personally witnessed that defy the mere material model. I challenge you to investigate how the NOUS is activated through real prayer and proper worship. Humans are more than mere animals, yet the medical profession has relegated us to the status of experimental rodents, taking liberties with our physical bodies and brains. To do that, they had to operate a generations-long psychological operation to remove us from our genuine spiritual powers by the temptation to live on an animal-only level, to hypnotize us to destroy our conscience, leaving us at their mercy. But I have news for you, our Blessed and Holy Trinity has the power to restore a conscience that has turned to dust, to resurrect our spiritual capacity against which their weapons are conquered.
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