hit em wear it hurts: DON'T give em attention (oh wait, you're immature...nvrmind)

1 year ago

i have lipstick all over me
my teeth look even more yellow than usual
today was one of those weird impulsive days
appreciate pretty amy while pretty amy lasts
not all feminist talking points are wrong
industrial revolution ruined everything
modern art came about as a reaction to the industrial revolution
garbage art combatting garbage life
everything is crap. artificial. homogenized. desperate for relevance.
actual art don't give a fuck about relevance
fame is a dirty game for dirty ass people
it's not that crazy to wanna feel important in this world
my purpose is in God
video after video ain't making these things go away
podcasts are like protest rallies: useless (and for sheep)
why is having a conversation so incredible
the lamest art forms are super popular
what's popular is an indication of how stupid that society is
those that meme the most are either "conservatives" or "libertarians"
memes: the lowest art form to express your grievance towards this crap culture
the R will never offend the L the way that the L offends the R
west civ is comprised of tiny dot people
we're fucked no matter what
my wicked liberal friend, also a witch...we are in total agreement on this
donald trump is a pawn as well as a patsy (you will get it later)

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