NT 36 1 Corinthians 14-16 "Prophecy: A Reason for Hope" Farrell Pickering

1 year ago

QUESTIONS this Episode:
1 - 3:55 What does Farrell say helps bring more understanding to songs in other languages?
2 - 4:15 What does Paul say is the next best gift to Charity?
3 - 6:10 66% of all Scripture is ____________?
4 - 10:10 What gift is more important than the Gift of Tongues?
5 - 14:00 What do different definitions of prophecy reveal that you may not have known before?
6 - 19:40 Why did Joseph Smith say about when the Lord's people will be gathered in the Last Days?
7 - 20:30 What will start to make sense about all the Last Days Prophecies?
8 - 35:20 What does "wiki wiki" mean when he talks about the people needing to WAKE UP?
9 - 49:40 What will we find going back into historical records and astronomical records to show the true dates of the Resurrection? What do the Pickerings challenge us to do?
10 - 55:20 what questions do you think Joseph Smith was asking when D & C Section 73 reveals about degrees of glory, that corroborate what Paul taught about Celestial bodies and varying degrees of glory?

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#latterdaymedia, Rhonda Pickering, Farrell Pickering, Pickerings, Come Follow Me, Come Follow Me 2023, LDS videos, New Testament, One God, Many Gods, Jesus Christ, Gospel lessons, Gospel Videos, Bible lessons, Bible stories, 1 Corinthians 14, 1 Corinthians 15, 1 Corinthians 16, The Gospels, Jesus, Christ, Paul the Apostles, Paul in Rome, The Chosen

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