Habit or from hunger? #healthyeating #energy #podcast #food #spiritual #eatinghabits

1 year ago

hello tweak experiment with and another thing as well is we're so used to eating as a habit it's like you get up you have breakfast, around midday you have lunch or around six o'clock you have dinner well and there's so many people we eat when we're not actually hungry yeah yeah and then the bodies are storing all this stuff and then we're not giving it time to process because we're not doing exercise or whatever and it just continually stores stuff because we're just overeating over eating the reason I'm still lean at this age is because I listen to my body I only eat when I'm hungry can I just quickly say something about Hunger too hunger has been like 80 of people that hunger that hunger pains that people feel is actually water you haven't had enough water yeah yeah yeah you're thirsty so I used to tell this to my son actually when he was growing up oh Dad I'm hungry I have a glass of water first

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