23LHDVD09-04 Deborah Vails - Deliverance From Unforgiveness & Bitterness

1 year ago

One thing that can really hold us up in our life is not being able to forgive. She breaks down peace, holiness, bitterness, and defiled as found in Heb 12:14,15 “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;”. God requires us to forgive unconditionally. She helps us to understand unforgiveness and bitterness by digging deep into the characteristics and heart issues that reveal it. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us. Get right before God. This strong word will help you. Forgiveness is not saying that what was done was right. We forgive because God forgives. It’s time to believe what the Word says and let go of our stinking thinking, giving too much credit to the devil! When you repent you don’t go back!

Deborah Vail's website: https://setfreeoutreachministries.org/
Deborah Vail's YouTube Channel:
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp - http://lakehamiltonbiblecamp.com
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp's Free Audio: http://lhbconline.com
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp Spiritual Resource Catalog:
Free MP3 Audio of Deborah Vails - http://lhbconline.com/deborah-vails/

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