What's Wrong with the Early Retirement Life Plan? The Other Side of the Story

1 year ago

What's Wrong with the Early Retirement Life Plan? The Other Side of the Story!
00:00 Intro Financial Independence Retire Early
01:22 Living a balanced life - our perspective
03:35 Big Salary - living off of investments
04:03 Average Salary - works also but takes longer
05:29 Microenterprise vs side hustle
06:50 Working too hard and too much!
08:02 What is a microenterprise
11:07 Use your skill or trade in a microenterprise
12:24 Anyone can do this, not just for the rich!
15:01 You can live anywhere you want and do this!
17:09 What changed in Argentina?

PRO TRAVEL SERVICES - Would You Like to Retire Early Abroad Like a Pro? - http://www.gringogoodsamaritans.com/p/blog-page_6.html

Live your Best Life now! We believe in living the lifestyle you desire to live EARLY rather than delaying your life plans until your later retirement years. People often tell us they really like our perspective on retirement, current events and other newsy bits. We hope you do too. Be safe-take care!

Our Blog: Welcome to Gringo Good Samaritans, integrated with our 8 years of living in Cuenca Ecuador and traveling the world. We create informative videos and articles helping people come to awareness of what's happening in our world so they can enjoy their retire early lifestyle with their families, healthy, happy and free! Because ultimately, YOU are in control, of your destiny! http://www.gringogoodsamaritans.com/

Join Our Free retire earlier retire better Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/791893957843581/

We welcome applicable and respectful comments. Off-topic comments may be removed.

Heaven Ministries - Marriage and Health Ministry - http://www.heavenministries.com/
Publications by Heaven Ministries Marriage Bookstore - https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/heavenministries

MUSIC: Outside the Box with Patrick Patrikios and A Caring Friend by Bad Snacks

TRAVELING TO ECUADOR? Let our DIY guide books show you the way and help you save money!
DIY CUENCA LANDING GUIDE - https://goo.gl/n411mA
DIY QUITO LANDING GUIDE - https://goo.gl/dRtavh
DIY ECUADOR COAST GUIDE - https://goo.gl/knVkpT

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Detach from an Alcoholic Spouse - https://goo.gl/mvjHn9

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