Inner peace is the greatest form of wealth

1 year ago

It is much easier to blame and point fingers at someone else than to take accountability for our own actions. We have control over everything we do, but wish only to be recognized for the good. In reality we are all students of life, some simply existing rather than living but nonetheless still human. We are unable to forgive others if we cannot first have forgiveness for ourselves. Acceptance of our mistakes is a key component of growth and development. Understand to the best of your ability that sin is inevitable and is part of the journey. Keep in mind not every action deserves a reaction, sometimes no response can be the best response. Also, steer clear of trying to match someone’s energy, the blind can’t lead the blind and you can’t clean dirt with dirt. I am feeling called to articulate my thoughts as way to help others that may be experiencing something similar. Do not hesitate to be vulnerable and honest, there is no 50/50 when it comes to being authentic, only REAL or FAKE.

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