NEW Details CONFIRM Oprah & The Rock's Maui Fund Benefit The RICH

1 year ago

The Rock had separately revealed his $5 million contribution, indicating that Oprah matched it, despite her net worth being ten times greater. He vowed to "raise and donate much more" but even his $5 million amounted to just 1.8% of his Forbes-assessed net worth. According to the public’s perspective, an American with a $150,000 net worth making an equivalent gift would part with $2,700. Oprah, on the other hand, gave approximately 0.2% of her estimated $2.5 billion wealth, akin to a person with a $150,000 net worth donating $300.Together, their $10 million donation accounted for a mere 0.36% of their combined estimated net worth of $2.77 billion.

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